A turistic tour to London

In London you will find the Big Ben, one of the most emblematic symbol. Also you can find the tower bridge:
Tower bridge features a road which can be raised to allow tall ships to pass through to the Pool of London and an elevated walkway affording permanent access

This isn't only you can visit in london also you can visit the British Museum

This is the oldest museum in all london, it was founded in 1753, it have treaseures from around all the world.

Also you can visti the london eye its look like a bycicle wheel.

It have a capsule and its one of the greatest atraction in london.

If you are interesed in the Natural History you can visit the London's Natural History Museum

Its so big that you can´t finish the tour in one day.

If you like Sherlock Holmes  you can visit this museum, its dedicated to this characther

London have a lot of turistic sites

Another turistic side is is the greenwich observatory,

This is one of the most  important observatory in the world.

1 comentario:

  1. Is that all you can visit in London?
    How can you get to the tipical London land marks?
